To use the Tracking functionality of the Learning Management System (LMS), your user must be configured as a Classroom Instructor. To get the classroom instructor credentials, please reach out to your contact person at OSP International LLC.
How do I log into my Classroom Instructor account?
Access the PM PrepCast login page at and use the classroom instructor login details you received from your OSP International LLC's contact person. An example of the "Login" page is shown below.
How do I access the courses in my account?
After logging into your account as described in the previous step, you are presented with the "Welcome" page. In the "My active courses" section, click the course you want to access. An example of the "Welcome" page is shown below.
How do I access the Tracking section in a course?
On the lefthand part of the course homepage, there is a blue vertical bar with various menu items. You can either hover your mouse over the bar to see the screentips of the menu items or, alternatively, click the double arrow icon to expand the menu bar. Click the Tracking icon. An example of the course homepage and the menu bar with two options to identify the Tracking item is shown below.
How do I access the learning path statistics?
After clicking the Tracking icon, as described in the previous step, you will be presented with the Tracking homepage. This page displays the various activities and statistics of the students in classes for which you are assigned as a classroom instructor. The most useful information is located on the "Learning paths statistics" page. To access that page, click the "Learning paths statistics" button under the "Statistics reports" section of the Tracking homepage. An example of the Gradebook homepage with the "Learning paths statistics" button is shown below.
How do I access a specific learning path?
After clicking the "Learning paths statistics" button, as described in the previous step, you will be presented with the Learning paths statistics page. This page displays the various learning paths in the course. By default, the Learning Path drop-down menu is pre-set to show all learning paths in the course. To access a specific learning path, click the Learning Path drop-down menu and select the learning path of your choice. An example of the Learning paths statistics page is shown below.
How do I view a summary of progress made by students in classes assigned to me?
After selecting the learning path, as described in the previous step, you will be presented with a summary of progress made by each student in classes for which you are assigned as a classroom instructor. The information includes the progress bar with the percentage of lessons completed by the student as well as the start and end dates (if applicable). An example of the Tracking summary page for a specific learning path is shown below.
How do I view the progress made by a particular student?
On the tracking page that displays a specific learning path and a summary of progress made by all students in the classes for which you are assigned as the classroom instructor, click the "Users" drop-down menu (which is by default pre-set to All users) and select the student whose progress you are interested to view. The following screenshot is an example of the step described above.
What do the various progress icons mean for a selected student?
A learning path is comprised of various items. Most of the items are modules and lessons within the modules. Some are quizzes or documents. Each item has a status icon next to it. There are three statuses:
- Not started
- In Progress
- Completed
Not started - the student has never touched the item.
In Progress - the student either clicked the item explicitly from the learning path tree or navigated to it from the predecessor item using the "Next" button or from the successor item using the "Prev" button.
Completed - the student navigated away from the current item using either the "Next" or "Prev" button.
Note: The student can change the status of the item from either "Not started" or "In Progress" to "Completed" by simply navigating away from the item using either the "Next" or "Prev" button. In other words, the student can change the status of the item from either "Not started" or "In Progress" to "Completed" without actually watching the video lesson or listening to the audio interview.
An example of the learning path tree with various progress icons for a particular student is shown below.
How do I change the status of a single item in the learning path tree?
To change the status of a single item in the learning path tree, click the icon of the item whose status you want to change. You will be presented with a warning requesting you to confirm your selection.
Note: The warning is the same regarding the item type. For example, if the item is a module that comprises several sub-items (e.g., lessons), the status of all sub-items will be changed accordingly. If the item is a single lesson that does not have any sub-items, the warning will still require you to confirm your choice.
The following screenshots are an example of the steps described above.
How do I change the status of multiple items in the learning path tree?
There are two ways to change the status of multiple items in the learning path tree.
Option 1:
Click the icon of the module-type item (which has a folder-like indicator). All sub-items of this item will change their status.
Option 2:
Tick the checkboxes next to the items whose status you want to change. All selected items, including sub-items of module-type items, will change their status.
In both options, after ticking the checkboxes, scroll up to the top of the learning path tree and select either the green "Completed" icon or the red "Not started" icon to change the status of the selected items. In both options, you will be presented with a warning requesting you to confirm your selection. The following screenshots are an example of the steps described above.
Note: Icons of the items that were already in the status of your choice will remain unchanged.