To use the Gradebook functionality of the Learning Management System (LMS), your user must be configured as a Classroom Instructor. To get the classroom instructor credentials, please reach out to your contact person at OSP International LLC.
How do I log into my Classroom Instructor account?
Access the PM PrepCast login page at and use the classroom instructor login details you received from your OSP International LLC's contact person. An example of the "Login" page is shown below.
How do I access the courses in my account?
After logging into your account as described in the previous step, you are presented with the "Welcome" page. In the "My active courses" section, click the course you want to access. An example of the "Welcome" page is shown below.
How do I access the Gradebook section in a course?
On the lefthand part of the course homepage, there is a blue vertical bar with various menu items. You can either hover your mouse over the bar to see the screentips of the menu items or, alternatively, click the double arrow icon to expand the menu bar. Click the Gradebook icon. An example of the course homepage and the menu bar with two options to identify the Gradebook item is shown below.
How do I view the summary of results for classes assigned to me?
After clicking the Gradebook icon, as described in the previous step, you will be presented with the summary of the results for classes for which you are assigned as a classroom instructor. The scores for each class per quiz/exam are displayed in the corresponding row and column. An example of the Gradebook homepage is shown below.
How do I view the breakdown of class results per Knowledge Area?
On the Gradebook homepage, click the Category drop-down menu and select "Knowledge Area". After the Knowledge Area menu item is selected, the font color of the class names will turn from black to dark blue and will become a clickable hyperlink. Click the class name to expand the list of Knowledge Areas. The scores for each Knowledge Area per quiz/exam are displayed in the corresponding row and column. The following screenshots are an example of the steps described above.
How do I view the breakdown of class results per PMI ECO Domain?
On the Gradebook homepage, click the Category drop-down menu and select "PMI ECO Domain". After the PMI ECO Domain menu item is selected, the font color of the class names will turn from black to dark blue and will become a clickable hyperlink. Click the class name to expand the list of PMI ECO Domains. The scores for each PMI ECO Domain per quiz/exam are displayed in the corresponding row and column. The following screenshots are an example of the steps described above.
How do I view student results in a specific class?
On the Gradebook homepage, click the Class drop-down menu and select the class whose student results you want to see. After the class name is selected, the list of its students is shown. The scores for each student per quiz/exam, as well as the number of correctly answered questions vs. the total number of questions, are displayed in the corresponding row and column. The following screenshots are an example of the steps described above.
Note: For privacy reasons, we anonymized student names in this demo class. In your actual classroom instructor account, you will see the real student names.
What does the value in the "Total" column mean?
The values in the "Total" column are calculated as follows:
- Sum the number of correctly answered questions in the row of a particular student or class. The number of correctly answered questions is displayed in the nominator within the score bubble.
- Sum the total number of questions in a quiz/exam in the row of a particular student or class. The total number of questions is displayed in the denominator within the score bubble.
- Divide the number of correctly answered questions (see Step 1 above) by the total number of questions (see Step 2 above).
- Multiply the result obtained in Step 3 above by 100%.
For example, Student 001 attempted Times Quiz, Learning Quiz, PMP Exam 1, PMP Exam 2, and PMP Exam 3. Below is the calculation of the value in the "Total" column for Student 001:
- The sum of the correctly answered questions is 16 + 13 + 109 + 116 + 128 = 382.
- The total number of questions is 30 + 20 + 180 + 180 + 180 = 590.
- The quotient is 382 / 590 = 0.65.
- The result expressed as a percentage is 0.65 x 100% = 65%.
The following screenshot demonstrates the calculation of the value in the "Total" column.
How do I view a specific quiz/exam result of a particular student?
After accessing the list of students in a specific class, as described in the previous step, click the dark blue bubble in the row indicating a student and the column indicating a quiz/exam that you are interested in viewing. The results of that specific student in that specific quiz/exam will open in a new tab. The following screenshots are an example of the steps described above.
How do I view what answer a student selected for a specific question?
After accessing the results of a student for a specific quiz/exam, click the question for which you are interested to see the answer choice selected by the student. The page will display the question, the answer choices, the explanation for each answer choice (if applicable), and the choice selected by the student. The following screenshots are an example of the steps described above.
How do I view the questions in a specific quiz/exam the student answered incorrectly?
On the page that shows the results of a student for a specific quiz/exam, click the drop-down menu and select "Incorrect". The list of questions will be filtered down to only display questions answered incorrectly. The following screenshots are an example of the steps described above.
How do I view the breakdown of students' results per Knowledge Area?
On the page showing the list of students in a specific class, click the Category drop-down menu and select "Knowledge Area". After the Knowledge Area menu item is selected, the font color of the student names will turn from black to dark blue and will become a clickable hyperlink. Click the name of the student for whom you want to review results per Knowledge Area. The scores for each Knowledge Area per quiz/exam are displayed in the corresponding row and column. The following screenshots are an example of the steps described above.
How do I view the breakdown of students' results per PMI ECO Domain?
On the page showing the list of students in a specific class, click the Category drop-down menu and select "PMI ECO Domain". After the PMI ECO Domain menu item is selected, the font color of the student names will turn from black to dark blue and will become a clickable hyperlink. Click the name of the student for whom you want to review results per PMI ECO Domain. The scores for each PMI ECO Domain per quiz/exam are displayed in the corresponding row and column. The following screenshots are an example of the steps described above.
How do I view students' results for a specific quiz/exam?
On the page showing the list of students in a specific class, click the Exams/Quizzes drop-down menu and select the quiz/exam for which you want to see the results. After the Exams/Quizzes menu item is selected, the page will show the latest five (5) attempts of the selected quiz/exam. The following screenshots are an example of the steps described above.
Note: The total score for each student is calculated based on the five latest attempts.
How do I view the results of selected students?
On the page showing the list of students in a specific class, click the Student drop-down menu and select the student(s) whose results you want to see. You can select any number of students from the list. The scores of each student per quiz/exam are displayed in the corresponding row and column. The following screenshots are an example of the steps described above.