This article describes what you can do in case your credit card was declined when you were trying to purchase The PM PrepCast™.
If your credit card was declined when trying to purchase from us, then this means that your card company or your bank declined your credit card. Most likely, this was because the automated systems of your card company or bank have incorrectly identified your purchase as 'fraudulent' and therefore declined it.
Unfortunately, there is nothing that we can do about this from our end.
What you can do
To resolve this issue, please call the credit card company and ask why your purchase was declined. In most cases, they will then work with you to pre-approve the transaction so that you can try again and complete the purchase successfully.
Please note: If you were using a corporate credit card (for example, from your employer), then a representative from your organization needs to call the credit card company and ask for the transaction to be approved.
Other Payment Option
You can actually use your credit/debit card to pay via PayPal. Here's how: