Have you ever run across a question in The PM Exam Simulator™, where you disagree about the correct answer? This article explains how you can use the Live Feedback™ feature to get in touch with a subject matter expert that can assist you.
The design of the Live Feedback™ feature addresses the correctness of the answer, explanation, or reference. The feature allows you quickly and easily provide your input on any question in the simulator if you:
- Disagree with the correct answer
- Think the explanation is insufficient
- Assume the reference is wrong
Simply click the Live Feedback™ button in The PM Exam Simulator to send your note directly to our subject matter experts. They will review your input and respond to you.
Read more about the Live Feedback™ feature.
Do I have to pay extra for the Live Feedback feature?
The Live Feedback™ feature of The PM Exam Simulator is a complimentary service (free of charge)!
It is designed to give the student an easy way to address the correctness of the answer, explanation, or reference of the questions in The Exam Simulator. It is not intended, however, to provide general clarifications, additional information, coaching, or training.
As part of our Terms & Conditions, when students purchase The PM Exam Simulator, they acknowledge and agree to use Live Feedback™ intelligently, reasonably, and only when absolutely necessary.
Live Feedback™ agents, at their sole discretion, may opt not to respond to student inquiries.