This article includes a video that explains how to review the detailed explanation behind why each answer choice is correct vs. incorrect.
Review Detailed Explanation
Introduction [00:16]
I am allowed to finish this 10-question quiz here. Question 10: Which of the following techniques helps project team members and relevant stakeholders to reach consensus on the human resources management plan? I'm not a hundred percent sure. It could be “Meetings”. It could be “Ground rules”. I'm going to select “Ground rules” here, but I'm also going to mark this and that's it. All 10 questions are answered. I'm going to end my exam. Yes. Please end the exam here.
And on the examination report, I can now see that I have indeed selected the wrong one down here in the overview, which of course means I'm now interested in the details. So to see the details, I hold my mouse over the question button here, Q 10, and I'm going to click into this.
Details Page [00:52]
And on the details page, let's go through this from the top down. I can see this is question 10 of 10. Then the question text is repeated. Below that, we have the four answer choices. You can see answer choice A is highlighted in green. That would have been the correct answer, but I have selected “D. Ground rules,” which was incorrect.
Below that, you can see I have answered this question incorrectly and that the question is marked. And by the way, if I had selected the correct answer here “Meetings,” the fact that the question is marked does not at all negatively reflect on my score. This is just a marking, just a flag that says, ‘Hey! You weren't sure here.’
Hint [01:41]
Let me scroll down all the way, because now we're getting into the real meat of the answer. First we can see here, the hint, it doesn't really offer a lot of information when you do the review. The hint is more interesting when you do a learning quiz and you can show the hint as you are going through the answers.
Explanation [02.03]
We can once again see that the correct answer would have been answer A. First, there is a longer explanation, a general explanation, that talks about the question and explains it on a higher level. And then we have the details for each of the answer choices, for each of the options. So for a, B, C, and D, we can clearly see which one is correct, why are they correct, or which ones are incorrect and why are they incorrect. And then at the bottom, we have a reference that allows us to pick up the PMBOK® Guide or any other book that the reference may lead us to and check the appropriate page numbers.
Buttons [02:17]
Below that, we have from left to right, the buttons for “Mark Difficulty” and “Leave Feedback.” We have separate how-to videos for those. And on the far right there, we have the “Previous” button. And then of course, when I click on the “Previous” button, this is the last question in this quiz. You will see that when I'm on question nine, I can now click on previous and next. I haven't looked at the “Back to Results” button yet. That is the obvious one. When I click this one, it will take me back to the overview.
Auto-Scroll [03:22]
And do you note that it didn't jump all the way to the top of the screen, but it jumped back to exactly where I was? This is very helpful when you have a 200 or 150-question exam that you are taking and you have scrolled all the way to the bottom of the page already here with only 10 questions. It's easy to navigate up or down, but if you have 150, 200 questions, there is a lot to scroll up and down.
Closing [03:52]
And that's it, that is how you review the answer details after taking an exam or a quiz.